
Archive for the ‘Healthcare’ Category

So, as I was investigating for Part 4 of this blog series I become privy to what may be a scam.

I am not sure what exactly is going on, but I will give a little preview and promise to get part 4 out as soon as I can.

My subject for part 4 morphed into the subject of how the individual is going to be financially screwed by the Mental Health/Government/Consumerism Complex. I was going to use some examples of “Peer Support” facilities that are supposed to promote recovery and advocacy for those in mental distress.

Instead, I have found that as one’s mental stability increases, access to the organizations and needed support decreases, and in fact, the main peers in the organization become rather belligerent toward anyone showing accountability and recovery.

In addition, there seems to be a pattern of encouraging those that seem to be drawn in by manipulation or that are truly and severely psychotic, ( and very violent, I might add), to be in positions of authority in these organizations. In one case I have come in contact with, the one full time employee is like a cult leader and is the only one allowed access to critical information and tools of employment, leaving the rest of the organization at her feet. She was ill for two weeks and no one could even access the newsletter to print it. She also demeans and pushes out anyone asking critical or accounting questions about the facility, has purposefully gone against decisions the Board of Directors have made and has made sure that any stable, accountable Board Members have been unable to meet with those supplying grant monies and technical assistance to the organization.

A third and very disturbing chain of evidence seems to lead to the questioning of the funds and how they are being used by the organization as well as where they come from. As stated above, the one full/time employee of the org. in question has been messing with the money, overspending, not following money directives and there is a question her buying personal items with org. monies. I have also run into a situation of where money is actually coming from. One grant that stinks to high heaven is quite large and supposedly is from a start up equine therapy center… This organization has no horse related therapies and has no plans to do them.

So, I will be digging into this further and will be bringing the results back in part 4 of this blog.

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